Owners Testimonial:

The Automatic Garden started ten years ago in answer to a set of personal gardening needs.   Rabbits and birds where eating everything in the garden by burrowing under the garden fence or flying over it.  It was comical to compete with them for the choicest vegetables which we all sought to harvest at the peak of ripeness.  In truth, our pesky friends won more contests than they lost. 
Having been a recreational in-ground gardener my whole life, it was time for an adjustment and the Automatic Garden concept was born.
Out came the drawing pencils and out came a clean piece of paper to draw on.  Then a wish list of potential gardening improvements was written up.  Since yard’s were getting smaller, gardens needed to adapt.  Since soil was unpredictable, gardens needed to adapt. Since aging and reduced physicality was inevitable, gardens needed to adapt.  The list went on incorporating all aspects of modern gardening life, pest control, organic techniques, attractive appearance, quality construction and more.
The result was a new garden design that was traditional but different too.  Foremost, the garden was raised above ground, and it was made using modern products and manufacturing technology that afforded the user a strong and movable planting area, that accommodated weather, provided the best soil, and compensated for the vagaries of climate. 
The first prototype exceeded expectations.  It produced wonderful and abundant harvests, required very little maintenance and lasted many years.  (And it kept our friends the rabbits, and most birds, out.)
That experience was very encouraging and the knowledge it afforded us was incorporated into the “Easy Harvest 1” garden we offer today.  It also gave us the belief that our efforts to make gardening easy could be enjoyed by others too and help them keep the pleasure of gardening in their lives.  We hope you agree.
Please see all of the gardens we offer.  One of them should help you to have fun, live healthy, and “Grow Better”.
From your team of dedicated friends at Automatic Garden!